
Q: If a Creeper is moved from one player to another, does the receiving player get to “immediately re-draw” as it says on the card?

A: The “Immediately redraw” is only for if that person has DRAWN a Creeper (or was dealt one at the beginning of the game). The idea is that, if you’re drawing, you are drawing to get a non-Creeper. If you get a Creeper, you are required to play it immediately, and because that draw-play acquisition was involuntary, it doesn’t count as a play or a draw for you… so you get to try again for a NON-Creeper. If you’re just taking or receiving a Creeper that was already in play somewhere else, you’re not attempting to execute a draw, you just get the Creeper.

Another way to note this is the case is that is says REdraw. If you didn’t get the Creeper by Drawing, then you can’t REdraw.

Q: If I choose to Get on With It or Swap Plays for Draws, and I end up getting Creepers when I draw, can I still use Free Actions or Keeper powers to get rid of them?

A: Well you can… just not until your next turn.

When a player chooses to take either of these Free Actions, the effect is simultaneous with their turn ending immediately. Most notably, this means that if you draw any Creepers with your draws from Swap Plays or Get On With It, you’re stuck with them until your next turn, even if there are conditions which allow you to trash or give them away on your turn. Your turn ended immediately with the draw, so that window is over.

For more info on when you can do what during a Fluxx turn, see the link at the bottom of the right sidebar: Order of Events in a Fluxx Turn

Q: When playing Solo Fluxx, can one win a Keeper-only Goal if you also have Creepers in front of you?

A: We always try to do things in Solo Fluxx in the same way as regular Fluxx – except when they have to be different. So Creepers do all the same things they usually do.

They prevent you from winning unless the Goal says otherwise or a rule or other conditions say they don’t matter. Sometimes you might need a Creeper to win, in which case you discard it as you do with the Keepers you win with. But if you have other Creepers that stop your win — even if the Goal is one that requires other Creepers — you must deal with those other win-stoppers before you can claim that Goal.

Q: What happens if a Creeper comes up when Pandora’s Box is played?

A: Although the wording does use the word “draw” on most versions, we would rule that you’re not really drawing cards to execute this. None of these cards are going into your hand. It’s more like you’re checking each card, and only putting it into play if it’s a New Rule. We will be tweaking the wording on subsequent prints of this card. Consider it to say “Flip over the top card of the draw pile. If it is a New Rule, put it into play. Otherwise, put it on the discard pile. Keep doing this until you have put 3 New Rules into play.”

Unfortunately, on the version which is in the More Actions pack, we explicitly stated that you have to keep any Creepers that come up. We are not sure what we were thinking, BUT if your version of the card says you have to keep Creepers, then you keep them. If you want to alter your card to reflect otherwise, that’s up to you.

Q: What if I draw Creepers while drawing cards for Distress Call?

A: So the process starts with the initial “All players draw 1 card from the deck.” So, if you draw a Creeper for the first card, you have to play it immediately, and redraw until you get a non-Creeper. It’s possible that you might end up getting multiple Creepers this way, but eventually you will draw 1 non-Creeper, and add it to your hand.

Once you have managed to draw a non-Creeper, assess how many Creepers you have in play. Now, you need/get to draw a total of 2 x #Creepers you have. That total includes the first card you drew.

So you continue to draw until you have gotten the correct number of non-Creepers and added them to your hand. If this draw process ends up adding yet more Creepers to your array, then you may have to adjust your total as you go.

I find that talking through the process helps me keep track:

“One… oops, a Creeper! One… there we go, a non-Creeper. But now I have one Creeper, and I need to draw a total of two cards, so that’s one more… dang! Another Creeper! Okay, now I have TWO Creepers, and I need to draw a total of FOUR cards, so that’s THREE more. Okay… two, three, four. Whew! Okay, done!

Q: If I’m drawing multiple cards on my turn, and I draw a Creeper that makes me win, do I have to finish drawing the rest of the cards for my turn?

A: Yes, you must finish drawing the rest of your cards for your turn – you might draw another Creeper which would prevent your win. You must accept any and ALL Creepers acquired during your initial Draw phase before assessing win conditions.

Consider the initial Draw phase to be all one simultaneous thing. Think of it this way: not everyone draws one… card… at… a… time. Some grab the total number for the Draw, add them to their hand, then deal with Creepers at that time, putting them immediately into play, and drawing to replace. Differences in draw style should not affect the outcome of the game.

Q: When a Keeper/Creeper (or Rule) says I can do something if I discard or move something, can I do that as a Free Action or do I have to do it based on some other card, like an Action or Rule that lets me do these things?

Some cards say things like “If you discard one of your Keepers, you can move this Creeper to another player,” or “You can discard an opponents Keeper, but you have to move your own Keeper to them,” or “If you discard X cards from your hand, you can draw some more cards and play them immediately.” Do those moves or discards need to be caused by an Action or Rule, or are they part of the card’s stated function?

A: You do not need some other means of moving or discarding the cards in question in order to utilize the function stated. The movement or discard is part of the function itself. Usually there is some benefit, and the move or discard is part of the “cost” or “sacrifice.” It would be far too limited if these moves or discards had to occur organically through some other mechanism in the game.

See also: If a Creeper says I can get rid of it if I “discard a Keeper.” Does this mean voluntary discard…
And also: If I have a Keeper which says I get some benefit from discarding or moving it…

Q: Population Crash doesn’t use the word “draw”… does the active player have to keep any Creepers that come up?

…Population Crash says “take a card from the draw pile and place it on the discard pile,” instead of “draw a card and place it on the discard pile.” If a Creeper comes up this way, does the active player have to take it and put it in play, or does it just go on the discard pile?

A: You are not technically drawing those cards to use them. You are merely flipping them over to find the next Goal card to give direction to the Population Crash Action, so we would rule that you do not have to take Creepers revealed this way.

Also see: What happens if a Creeper comes up when Pandora’s Box is played? Noting that our intention was that Pandora’s Box be a similar card flipping, not drawing… but we messed up the wording on the most recent printing.

Q: If a Creeper says I can get rid of it if I “discard a Keeper” (specific or non-specific), does this mean voluntary discard, or involuntary discard?

…does this mean the player can choose to discard a Keeper with the intention of getting rid the Creeper OR the Creeper may only be disposed of if other cards caused the player to discard a/the Keeper.

A: It’s voluntary. You have to choose to sacrifice your Keeper in order to gain the benefit of getting rid of a Creeper. You don’t get the benefit if it’s some other random thing that makes you lose a Keeper.

On the plus side, this means you can do it whenever you choose to. On the minus, it’s not some sort of consolation for having to lose a Keeper involuntarily. “I lost a Keeper, but at least I get to get rid of this Creeper.” Nope, doesn’t work that way.

See also: When a Keeper/Creeper (or Rule) says I can do something if I discard or move something, can I do that as a Free Action or…
And also: If I have a Keeper which says I get some benefit from discarding or moving it…

Q: If I do something that allows me to steal or swap a Creeper, can someone play the Surprise Not My/Your Problem to prevent me from getting the Creeper?

…Someone used “Steal Something” to take a Creeper, which would have allowed them to win. Another player used the Surprise Not Your Problem which works when someone “Draws or Receives” a Creeper. The first player argued that they didn’t “receive it,” they “took” it. We argued that nobody ever “Receives” a card, by the wording on every card it is just placed or put in front of you. So if “Steal Something” takes a card from one player and places it in front of you, you have received that card.

A: You are correct: when we say “draw or receive” a card, we are referring to any & all game actions, which could result in you gaining the card. This includes stealing it as well as being given it by another player or a randomizing game action. So, yes, Not My/Your Problem can be played to stop a player from gaining a particular Creeper.

Q: If I have a Goal which requires Creepers, and I’m playing with a deck that has duplicate Creepers do extras of one of the Creepers required prevent my win?

…for example, for the Goal Enemy Alliance that requires Romulans and Klingons, if I have both the TNG and TOS versions of the Romulans Creeper, does the second Romulans count as an extra Creeper which prevents my win, as mentioned in this FAQ? Or is it just more of what I need to win?

A: Since the Goal specifically mentions Romulans without specifying one of the other, they’re effectively identical, and both count towards the Goal and not against it, and it doesn’t matter that you have a superfluous one. It’s more like what’s described in this FAQ.

Q: I got a new Fluxx version, and it has few/zero Creepers. Why aren’t they there?

A: Creepers are not one of the core card types. We consider them to be more advanced, and certainly not all decks have them. For versions which will be sold in the mass market, we have consistently chosen not to include Creepers. It’s also why we chose to remove Creepers when we went from Fluxx 4.0 to Fluxx 5.0: we wanted to make the “base version” a good introduction to the Fluxx concept, and Creepers are “extra” if you will. If you have a 5.0 deck and want to add back in the Creepers from 4.0, the Creeper Pack does exactly that.

Even if a version DOES include Creepers, the number that might be in a deck varies wildly, from the heavily Creeper-laden Zombie Fluxx, to Pirate, which only has two: Scurvy and Shackles. Here’s a chart that shows how many of which kinds of cards each version has:

Fluxx Complexity Factors

If you’re interested in increasing the number of Creepers in your deck, we do have a few promo cards/packs which include Creepers that you might like to check out.

Be sure to click through and read the descriptions of these, as not all are compatible with every version, and even if they work, they may be a bit off-theme from whatever deck you’re adding them to.
The Alliance, for example, is designed to go with Firefly, though if it were in a different deck it would just act as a sort of generic, if off-theme Creeper.
Hastur is themed for Cthulhu Fluxx, but works with any Fluxx.
Con Crud is the same as the Germs Creeper found in Martian Fluxx, and is obviously germ/convention themed.
Spiced Ham is a Monty Python reference.
• The Creeper Pack, while mostly designed to go with regular Fluxx 5.0 can be used in other decks, if you remove a couple of the Goals.
The Horror in Clay, while not a Creeper, is designed to go with decks with Creepers. Note that it’s Cthulhu themed.

Q: If I play No Buzzkills, can I discard Creepers in front of others, or only in front of myself?

A: We used the words “any and all” so that it would include Creepers that might not be in your possession. Maybe you don’t currently have the Mooch, but you’re tired of him being on the table, and you’d really like to be able to play your Weed without worrying he’ll show up uninvited. There are plenty of reasons a Creeper might be bumming you out even though it’s not in front of you, so go for it.

Q: How do I handle Creepers which are dealt to me at the beginning of the game?

A: Some versions of the rules deal with this explicitly, and some don’t, so we’re answering this here in the FAQ, just in case there is any confusion.

Creepers may not be held in your hand, so if you get a Creeper as part of your dealt hand, you put it on the table in front of you (play it pre-game, essentially) and draw to replace. If it’s another Creeper, continue until you have a starting hand containing zero Creepers.

Q: Does Mal’s special ability override the specifications on the Alliance (promo) Creeper?

…Mal’s special ability is to be able to move a Creeper “to another player”, while the Alliance says it can be moved to any player with River Tam, Stolen Goods, or Serenity. My opponent used Mal to move the Alliance to me (so they could win), even though I didn’t have any of those cards. Were they allowed to do that?

A: The player with Mal can move ANY one of their Creepers to ANY other player, regardless of what other Keepers they may have. There is no restriction on that card about where Mal can move a Creeper. The note on the bottom of The Alliance Creeper is an indicator that ANYONE who has The Alliance can move it away from themselves to someone with those specific Keepers. Those Keepers are not meant to be a limit on where it can ever be moved, just on where it can be moved “for free”.

Q: If the card I draw because of James Baxter is a Creeper, does the Creeper-elimination happen before or after I have to put that card into play??

A: You execute those things listed in the order shown, so Creeper elimination happens after drawing an extra card. James Baxter just makes everyone feel good. So if you draw a Creeper because of James Baxter, put it into play, and then draw to replace it. Then, after all that, the Creeper discard phase occurs.

So if a problem shows up while James Baxter is around, he gets rid of it for you, along with any other problems!* He’s just great.

* After getting rid of all Creepers in play, James Baxter then gets rid of all Hand and Keeper Limits in play.

Q: The Enchiridion allows me to look at the top three cards of the deck. What if one or more is a Creeper?

…The Enchiridion card says “Look at the top 3 cards in the deck, add 1 to your hand, discard 1, and put the remainder back on top.” I wasn’t actually drawing the cards, so we played it no differently for Creepers than any other card, but I wasn’t so sure about how to play this one.

A: We would agree that you are simply LOOKING at the cards, not drawing them, so you have no obligation to take the Creeper (unless that’s the card you want).

Q: Can the player with Mal move any Creeper on the table, or does it have to be one they have?

A: We very carefully did NOT specify that it was the player’s own Creepers. After all, there are some Goals which require Creepers, and a player might want to move someone else’s Creeper to themself… or from one player with little chance to win to another who has a potential win condition which would be spoiled by the presence of a Creeper. All of these possibilities are allowed.

Q: When we draw a Creeper, put it into play, and then “draw another card to replace it,” does that card replace the Creeper, discarding it?

A: It’s true, the Creeper card does say “immediately draw another card to replace it” but this doesn’t mean you replace the Creeper on the table, discarding it. This means “replace the Creeper in the number of cards you drew.” If you needed to draw 3 cards, and you drew them and one of them was a Creeper, you play the Creeper and draw another card, because that Creeper doesn’t count as one of the 3 cards you needed to draw (neither does it count against the number of cards you get to Play on your turn), so you have only drawn 2 cards, so you still need to draw a third.

You’re not replacing the Creeper from it’s place “in play” (i.e. on the table). You’re just replacing the card “lost” as part of your draw count because it was a Creeper. The idea is that Creepers go into play automatically, whether you want them to or not. They’re usually a problem for you, and you have to work to get rid of them (though sometimes you need them for Goals, otherwise, they hinder you).

Q: Can I win with Citizens of the Candy Kingdom if I have Candy Zombies, if they’re my only Creeper?

A: Yes. Though the Goal does not call out Candy Zombies specifically, they are clearly marked Candy People, and, as long as they’re your ONLY Creeper, that’s enough to count as “unless the Goal says otherwise” (regarding them preventing a win).

Thematically, Princess Bubblegum certainly still cares about them and would consider them citizens of her kingdom, even though they are afflicted with the zombie sickness.

Q: When I use Zap A Card on a Creeper, do I get to put it in my hand, then play it and draw to replace it?

A: Not quite. If you Zap a Creeper, you would simply then place it in front of you. You don’t get to draw anything.

The reason the Creeper card includes the words “then draw to replace” is that if you draw a Creeper, it goes down in front of you, and that doesn’t count as one of your draws (or one of your plays) so you still have a draw left, which you get to execute. Or if you were dealt a Creeper at the beginning of the game, it needs to go down in front of you, and you need to replace the card missing from your initial hand, since you should not start the game with a smaller hand than everyone else.

If you gain a Creeper any other way, you just gain it. It cannot ever really go into your hand, so it goes directly into play. If you choose to Zap a Creeper, you just get that Creeper. The reason is that Zap isn’t meant to give you an extra card in your hand so much as it is meant to give you whatever card you Zapped. So it’s not like you somehow missed out on the card Zap was intended to give you, such that you need to draw to “replace” anything.

Q: A Change in the Weather says discard all Creepers in play, then discard the current goal. Can someone win between those two things happening?

A: For Actions like this where multiple things happen, all those results are considered to happen simultaneously (Except for Actions which invoke the utilization of other cards, like Draw 2 and Play ‘Em, where each card played is considered separately, though the whole thing is still considered one “Play”).

Looking back on this, Andy realized that we could have avoided this confusion by simply writing the results in the other order (Discard the Goal, then trash all Creepers in play). We hope to tweak this wording on a subsequent printing.

Q: If a Goal requires something + either of two Creepers. Can I win if I have both Creepers?

A: Our call would be that you could win if you have both, since both are mentioned on the same Goal, and the rule regarding winning with Creepers is that it’s possible if the Goal specifically requires that Creeper. Another way to think of it is that it’s not an “exclusive or” (XOR) it is an “inclusive or” (and/or). An exclusive or would mean one or the other, but not both, whereas an inclusive or means one or the other or both.

This is true for any Goal which requires any subset of a group of Creepers. If the Creeper is shown on the Goal, it will not prevent the win, but if the person in question has any Creepers NOT shown on the Goal they’re trying to win with, then those excess unrelated Creepers will prevent the win.

It would be difficult to find all of them to list them here, but we will tag various applicable Goals as they are brought to our attention.
Terrifying Inspiration (Cthulhu Fluxx)
Q Who (Star Trek TNG Fluxx)

Q: Does Silver Lining neutralize War if it is on the table, so that I can win with Peace No War?

A: Peace No War specifically calls out War as a prohibited card to meet the win conditions. It’s not the fact that it’s a Creeper that’s preventing you from winning – it’s that it’s War specifically, which is incompatible with Peace. In fact, in previous editions of Fluxx, it was a Keeper, not a Creeper, and the conditions were the same: you can’t win if War is on the table.

Q: With a multiple Play in place could I use the Necronomicon repeatedly to move a Creeper, then put it back in my hand, replay it and use it to move another Creeper?

It appears that with Play All, I could effectively do this an unlimited number of times, moving all the Creepers in the game to wherever I wanted them. Is this correct?

A: This is an unfortunate loophole with the card as written in the first several printings. It was intended that you could only use it once per turn to move a single Creeper. We updated this wording as of approximately September 2016 (but there are a lot of decks out there with it open-ended like this). If you’ve been playing it over-powered like this, you’d be within your rights, since it does not technically say “once per turn”. Now that you know the intended usage, you could still choose to use it as written, however, we’d prefer that it be nerfed as follows:

Our official ruling would be to play it as if it said “…once during your turn you may move any Creeper from one player to another, then put this card back in your hand.” Of course, if there were a multiple play situation, you might subsequently play it again to the table, but would not then be able to use it to move a Creeper again on your turn.

As always, “once per turn” means once per YOUR turn, not once on every person’s turn.
See For special Keeper (or Item) powers or Rules that say “once per turn”, does that mean…

Q: With We’ve Already Got One, can the French Persons be a specific Creeper that someone else has in play?

A: When the Rule “We’ve Already Got One!” is in play, The French Persons can be any other specific Creeper, even if it is one that someone else has in play. It’s like the joke in the movie: how silly it is for them to say that they’ve already got a Holy Grail? There’s supposed to only be one, right? So it makes sense that even if someone else has a Creeper, the French Persons can masquerade as that Creeper.

Q: How do Creepers and Marceline interact with the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant promo?

We were playing with this deck tonight and I used the bonus card Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant (APTWE). The APTWE says “If any two players each have a Keeper needed to win by the current Goal, the game ends with both players being the winners. If not, draw 2 cards.” I had one Keeper for the Goal and my wife had the other Keeper, along with the Marceline Keeper that says “Creepers do not prevent you from winning.” We both had Creepers in front of us.

I said we both won as Marceline negates the Creepers played. My son says only my wife did because she had the card and it only applies to her.

A: Well, we debated for quite a while about this. We could see either of these arguments making sense, but in the end, we came to the same conclusion you did (you both win because Marceline negates Creepers). Keep in mind, however, that if Marceline was not in play, and only one of you had a Creeper, neither of you would win. It’s all or nothing with the APTWE.

The way we see it is that the two players are essentially merging into one, à la the two-headed elephant of the card title. So their Keeper set merges, and so do their Creepers. So, for example, if only one player had a Creeper, and the other one didn’t, their sets would be psychically merged, and it would be as if they were one two-headed player… who had a Creeper preventing the win. So one player’s Creeper would prevent both people from winning.

However, the same is true of Marceline’s power: when the players Keeper/Creeper sets merge, her power now extends to both people, so she neutralizes Creepers for the joined set which can then win, no matter who originally had Creepers.

Q: Do Creepers prevent the Secret Cultist (or the regular Cultist) from claiming his win on an UnGoal?

A: No. The idea is that the Secret Cultist benefits from the end of the world in ways regular players do not, so everything is backwards — that which would normally make you lose now helps you win. So if victory is found through the Minions of Darkness, it’s just a bonus if Cthulhu himself also joins the party!

While the win conditions for the (non-secret) Cultist are more narrow, the same is true, since they’re winning with an UnGoal, reveling in the destruction of all we hold sane.

Q: If the rules are Draw 1, and I draw three Creepers in a row, how many cards do I redraw?

…I say it’s just one card, but my husband says it should be three, since three Creepers were drawn. Who is right?

A: For practical purposes, you are correct. If you have laid down three Creepers in a row like that, you are left needing to draw 1. After your draw phase, you should end up having drawn just 1 non-Creeper for your Draw 1.

If anyone is having a hard time wrapping their head around why this is, here’s a blow-by-blow description of what happens when you draw three Creepers in a row while trying to Draw 1.

You Draw 1. It’s a Creeper.
It goes in front of you, and you draw to replace it, hoping for a non-Creeper to satisfy the current Draw rule.
Your “draw to replace” is… a second Creeper.
It goes in front of you with the first, and you draw to replace it, hoping for a non-Creeper to satisfy the current Draw rule.
Your “draw to replace” is… a third Creeper.
It goes in front of you, and you draw to replace it, hoping for a non-Creeper to satisfy the current Draw rule.
Your “draw to replace” is… finally a non-Creeper, which you add to your hand, and you have successfully followed the current Draw rule, which is Draw 1.

As you can see, in some ways, your husband is right… but the thing is, the three cards that were “drawn to replace” did happen… they’re just over as soon as you draw 1 non-Creeper.

Q: If You Also Need A Baked Potato to win, does Silver Lining negate that requirement?

On the table are two rules Silver Lining & You also need a Baked Potato. So if someone gets the goal but doesn’t have the potato can she win, because Silver Lining says that Creepers don’t prevent you from winning. Since the Potato is a creeper and not having it is preventing you from winning, you win?

…or is needing something (in this case the Potato) different from having something (other Creepers) which is preventing you from winning?

A: It’s that second thing you said. The Silver Lining rule means that the presence of a Creeper in front of you does not prevent you from winning, i.e. their presence is completely neutral, instead of negative.

If You Also Need A Baked Potato is in play, then you also need a baked potato – no ifs ands or buts. It does not keep the Creepers absence from preventing your win. It only prevents the presence of a Creeper in front of you from preventing your win.

Q: How does Crawling Chaos interact with The Elder Sign?

Crawling Chaos specifies that it detaches creepers from keepers, but The Elder Sign doesn’t use the “attached” nomenclature to describe how it covers a creeper. Is The Elder Sign considered attached to the card it covers for purposes of Crawling Chaos, or does something weird happen?

A: A Creeper hidden by the Elder Sign would be taken up and mixed with the other cards. Though the term “attachment” is not utilized, it will, in fact separate the Elder Sign from whatever Creeper it’s covering. Whoever gets the Elder Sign after the redistribution may choose to nullify an unattached Creeper they receive. It’s much the same as what happens to any Booty hidden under the Treasure Map in Pirate Fluxx, when Mix It All Up is played.

Q: What do I do if I draw a Creeper because of an Action?

A: If a Creeper is drawn by the active player, they must take the Creeper (play it in front of themselves) and draw to replace, such that all the cards they have drawn for whatever the Action indicates will contain no Creepers.

For example, if I play Everybody Gets One, then I, as the active player, am the one drawing cards. As such, I have to take all the Creepers I draw, redrawing until I’m holding enough non-Creeper cards to give 1 to each player including myself. In a deck with a lot of Creepers, anything that makes you draw cards is a liability!

There are a few cases where a card instructs you to discard Creepers encountered, in which case you do that, but the default is that the active player must accept them until the appropriate number of non-Creepers has been drawn.

Q: If the Goal doesn’t say “and no zombies” can I win even if I have zombies?

A: The Creepers in Zombie Fluxx work a little differently than other Creepers. Most other Creepers specify on them that you can’t win if you have them, but Zombies do not say this – instead, in Zombie Fluxx, it is the Goal which will indicate whether zombies will prevent your win.

If the Goal doesn’t say that you can’t have zombies, then it’s okay if you have zombies.

Q: If I have Love, and Creepers, but no other Keepers, can I win with All You Need Is Love, if Silver Lining is also in Play?

A: Yes, since the Rule Silver Lining was in play, which says that Creepers don’t prevent victory.

All You Need Is Love requires that you have no other Keepers in play. It does not require that you have no other cards in front of you at all. As long as Silver Lining is nullifying the Creepers win-prevention quality, then their mere presence doesn’t conflict with the win condition described on All You Need Is Love.

Q: If I have Creeper/s required for a Goal, but I also have other Creepers not mentioned on the Goal, can I still win?

A: In the vast majority of cases, you cannot win if you have Creepers not specifically required by the goal.

• Do your extraneous Creepers say that they keep you from winning? (Almost all Creepers do, but if they don’t then go for it.)
• Is there a Rule in play that lets you win even if you have Creepers? (There are a couple of these, depending on which versions you have.)
• In Batman Fluxx, if the Goal requires a Villain, Villains don’t prevent you from winning. However, if the Goal does NOT require a Villain, then Villains ANYWHERE prevent you from winning.

See also: The… Goal requires a Keeper and either of two Creepers…

Q: How does the math work on Distress Call?

Distress Call states that “All players draw 1 card from the deck,” and then that “Anyone with a Creeper then draws additional cards until they have drawn 2 cards for each Creeper they possess.” Is the first card drawn by this action included in the cards drawn for Creepers? That is, if I have one Creeper, do I draw 2 total cards or 3 (one from the first part and two from the second)?

A: The first card you draw is included in the total of cards you draw if you have Creepers. So if you have 1 Creeper, you draw a total of 2 cards.

Q: Can I pile up my Keepers in play in a stack, or do I have to lay them out so they are clearly displayed?

A: While it is not specified in the rules, the intention is that all Keepers and Creepers under your control should be visible to your opponents at all times unless there is some specific situation that lets you stack or hide them. In general, if a Keeper or Creeper is hidden under another card, it is as though it does not exist on the table, and a player may only stack Keepers/Creepers in certain very specific situations.

For example, in Martian Fluxx, you are allowed to hide your Pathetic Humans (Creepers) under your Abduction Chamber (Keeper). They are effectively “not showing on the table” and do not prevent you from winning (though you can release them at any time to meet a win condition).

There is a similar card in Pirate Fluxx that lets you hide your “booty” Keepers under your Treasure Map. They don’t count towards the Keeper limit, and this protects them from being Plundered, (a special Rule in Pirate Fluxx) but if someone uses Steal a Keeper to take your map, they also take the booty you’ve hidden under it.

In Cthulhu Fluxx, one may hide one Creeper under the Elder Sign card, which neutralizes it, much like the Abduction Chamber does for Pathetic Humans, but for only one Creeper.

There may be other cards which allow similar situations, but unless you have any of these special cards that allow you to hide a Keeper or Creeper in front of you, all your Keepers and Creepers need to be showing. If space is an issue, you can overlap them so the name stripe is showing, but you may not simply hide them from the other players.

Q: Can someone with the Holographic Projector win if the two Keepers needed are owned by other players?

A: No, the Hologram can only be one Keeper at a time. It’s already a very powerful card – if it could be any TWO Keepers at once, it would be ridiculously overpowered. Now, it is possible, when combining certain Star Trek Fluxxen, for there to be TWO Hologram analogues in the game (Holodeck/Holosuite.) So, if a player has two, one of them could imitate one Keeper owned by another player, and the other could imitate a second Keeper owned by another player.

It is possible to win with one Holographic Projector even if you don’t have either of the required cards yourself only if the win conditions include a Creeper or Creepers which are attached to a single Keeper owned by another player. In that case, the Holographic Projector only needs to be one Keeper, but it also mimics the associated Creeper properties. A few examples of Goals for this type of win would include Imperial Destroyer, Evil Computer, Evil Brain Parasites, Robot Uprising, The Power Of Evil, and Malfunctioning Transporter.

See also: Can the Holodeck count as both itself AND someone else’s Keeper…

Q: For the Retreat! UnGoal, do the players who have Germs and the Army also need to have other Creepers as well, or do those do double duty as “having a Creeper”?

To review: The Retreat! UnGoal says “If Germs and the Army are on the table, and all players have at least 1 Creeper, the game ends with no winner.” Do Germs and the Army count as “at least one Creeper” or do those players have to have at least 1 Creeper in addition to Germs and Army?

A: No, they don’t need an additional Creeper beyond Germs or Army to cause everyone to lose. Both those cards DO count as generic Creepers in addition to their specificity.

Q: Does “Creeper” equate with “Zombie”? How do you count multi-Zombie creepers? What about non-Zombie creepers (promo cards, for example)?

A: All Zombies are Creepers in Zombie Fluxx, but not all Creepers that exist in the Fluxx universe are Zombies. If a card says you need “a Zombie” then any Creeper card featuring a Zombie-something will do. If a card says you need a certain number of Zombies (the Zombie Baseball Team, for example) then you can count the number of Zombies shown. If something affects Creeper cards, then obviously, you can’t separate two Zombies shown together on a card. Look to the specific wording on each card to for clarification.

Q: If Double Agenda is on the table, and each Goal requires a different Creeper can you win by fulfilling both Goals?

For example, if the Goals were He Bravely Ran Away (requires the 3-Headed Giant) and Rabbits of DOOM (requires the Killer Rabbit).

A: No, not if they are two different Creepers like this. The 3-Headed Giant you need to win with He Bravely Ran Away prevents you from winning with Rabbits of DOOM, while the Killer Rabbit you need for that prevents you from winning with He Bravely Ran Away.

Q: Does Always Look on the Bright Side negate my Creeper for purposes of winning with The Cheese Shop?

Suppose the The Cheese Shop is the Goal and I have no Keepers, one Creeper, Look on the Bright Side of Life (or Silver Lining) in my hand, and have already drawn the draw amount and have one play left. The Cheese Shop says that I win if I have no Keepers, no Creepers, and no cards in hand but when I play the ‘Creepers do not prevent you from winning’ rule do I win?

A: No. Look on the Bright Side of Life (or Silver Lining) lifts the victory-inhibition function of the Creeper generally, but it doesn’t make the Creeper non-existent, and the spirit of the Cheese Shop Goal is that you win if you alone possess absolutely nothing.

Q: What happens when you are required to draw more cards in the middle of performing an Action like Draw 3 Play 2?

For example, suppose we are at Draw 1 and I play Draw 5 as the first of my Draw 3 Play 2 cards. I’d need to immediately Draw more cards, right? So Where do they go? Should I put the extra cards in my original hand or in the side hand I’m using for the “Draw 3 Play 2” card?

A: New cards would be added to your set-aside hand in this case. Since you’d already drawn 1 new card at the start of your turn, you’d need to Draw 4 more and add them to your set-aside hand. It’s OK to look at them as you do — in fact, you need to, since you’d need to play and redraw any Creepers that came up in those 4 cards.

Similarly, if you played Jackpot! you’d add the new cards to your set-aside hand, and if you played Discard and Draw, it would be your set aside hand that you’d throw away and replace. If you played Rotate Hands, it would be your set-aside hand that you rotated.

Note that this ruling will also apply to Draw 2 and Use ‘Em (D2UE) and Fizzbin, as well as when executing Goal Bonanza.