A: You can’t play more than All, so if you are getting a Bonus to your plays-per-turn, you still just Play All. Andy compares Play All to a sort of “Play Infinity” where, if you add 1 to infinity, it’s still just infinity. If you add 1 to “all” it’s still just “all.”
But wait – wouldn’t the existence of Play All Plus 1 mess with this analogy? For reference, the Rule: Play All Plus 1, invented for Hundred Acre Wood Fluxx, says: Play all of the cards in your hand, then take 1 card from the top of the Draw pile and play that as well. This immediately ends your turn.
It has long been established that a Play Bonus will turn Play All But 1 into Play All. (Play All -1 +1 = Play All), so does the existence of Play All Plus 1 mean we should treat Play All with a +1 Play Bonus as if it were Play All Plus 1?
Think of the +1 in Play All +1 as tacking a mandatory Mystery Play on to the end of a regular Play All. That extra +1 played isn’t really the same as your other card plays from your hand because it’s completely random, so we don’t think it should be treated strictly mathematically as when adding a Play Bonus to Play All But 1.
For reference: Rules that add to your Play count:
Child Bonus: Optional. Extra 1 Play for anyone 12 or younger, or the youngest player if none are 12 or under.
Rich Bonus: (unthemed versions) Mandatory. The player with the most Keepers Plays 1 extra.
Christmas Bonus: (Holiday Fluxx) Mandatory. If it is Christmas Day, all players add 1 to their Draw & Play. Otherwise only the player with Santa in play does so.
Martian Technology: (Martian Fluxx) Mandatory. Any player with a piece of Martian Technology in play adds 1 to their Draw & play.
Monster Bonus: (Monster Fluxx) Mandatory. Any player with a Monster in play adds 1 to their Draw & Play.
Fear of the Unknown: (Cthulhu Fluxx) Optional to reveal a fear and get to Draw and Play 1 extra on your turn.
[certain Keeper] Bonus: Mandatory. If a certain Keeper is in play, all players add 1 to both their Draw & Play count.
Party Bonus (unthemed versions) (if the Party is in play anywhere)
Love Bonus (Fluxx Remixx) (if Love is in play anywhere)
Miskatonic Study Group(Cthulhu Fluxx) (if the Necronomicon is in play anywhere)
Bacchus Bonus (Olympus Fluxx) (if Bacchus/Dionysius is in play anywhere)
Keepers with powers that add to your Play Bonus:
The Computer (Star Fluxx, Trek Fluxxen, promo card)
BMO (Adventure Time Fluxx)
BatComputer (Batman Fluxx)