…for example, Chocolate Milk & Chocolate Cookies by playing chocolate?
A: Yes! In this case, you can get Double value for a Keeper!
…for example, Chocolate Milk & Chocolate Cookies by playing chocolate?
A: Yes! In this case, you can get Double value for a Keeper!
A: Personal Goal lets players add a Personal Goal for themselves in addition to the shared Goal in the middle of the table. Triple (or Double) Agenda does not apply to Personal Goals, only communal.
This question is also tagged for Bucket List, which is the same as Personal Goal.
…Double Agenda says “A second Goal can now be played…” The person I was playing with thought this meant they automatically got to put a second Goal down as part of the Double Agenda play.
A: Double Agenda allows there to be two Goals at the same time, but playing a second Goal (or even first if you’re really early in the game!) still uses up one of your plays for your turn.
…One player put out the Double Agenda rule and set out 2 Goals. One of which required Batman and The Batsignal, the other Bane and Poison Ivy. A certain player ended up with both Batman and The Batsignal for the win, but the were other Creepers in play. Two of us were under the assumption that you couldn’t win with that particular Goal since it did not require a Creeper/Villain, and another person thought that because the Double Agenda card said “You win if you meet either Goal,” that a player could achieve the Batman/Batsignal Goal even though there were Creepers on the table.
A: Double Agenda does not remove the Creeper problem, it just means there are two Goals at once. All requirements for either Goal must be properly met. So if the Goal you are trying to meet also requires that you have no Creepers (as the Batman/BatSignal goal does) then you can’t win unless you can get rid of those Creepers before the Goal changes again.
So yes, you do win if you meet either Goal… but to win with the Batman/Batsignal Goal, part of the winning condition that must be met is that there be no Villains anywhere else on the table (unless Elsewhere In Gotham City is in play, of course).
A: For cards like the Radioactive Potato or Larry the Zombie, we would rule that the Goal, as a set, has been changed if you:
• Go from zero Goals to one
• Change one Goal out for another
• Go from one Goal to two
• Change one of the two Goals
• Go from two Goals to one
• Go from one goal to zero
All of these things would be considered a change in the Goal. The cards that could make that last situation happen may not be in Zombie Fluxx or Fluxx 4.0, but there is at least one card out there that can make that happen.
… We were playing Cthulhu Fluxx, and what complicates things is that my wife had the Secret Cultist, so she would win if the UnGoal overrides the Goal, but my son would have won with the Goal if that overrides the UnGoal. [Note from Looney Labs, in Cthulhu Fluxx, a simultaneous Goal and UnGoal could arise from either Double Agenda or The Stars Are Right. Zombie Fluxx and Martian Fluxx could also generate this condition since they both have Double Agenda and an UnGoal. Zombie Fluxx also has the Zombie Boss Rule which can make a player win in the case of the UnGoal being met.]
A: Well, this IS a doozy. Andy and I had to think this through carefully.
But in the end, the answer seems obvious: on the rule sheet itself, at end of the first page in “Notes” is the ruling for ties:
“The game doesn’t end until there is a clear winner. If for some reason two of more players meet the winning conditions simultaneously, the game continues until a single winner emerges.”
So, for your situation, the answer is actually fairly simple: there were two players meeting winning conditions simultaneously, so keep playing until a clear winner emerges. Note that the “clear winner” need not be one of the two originally tied. It could happen that someone else manages to break the tie and win instead of either one of them.
What got a little tricky for us, is that we also wanted to rule in cases where the Cultist/Secret Cultist/Zombie Boss wasn’t invoked, which is to say when there is one player winning, but the conditions for “all players losing” is also met. How could that be? Would we rule that there is only one player winning? Or would we rule that there is “no clear winner”, since that player should simultaneously be both winning and losing?
We went with the latter: If a Goal and UnGoal are met simultaneously, then, even if there is not an actual player that can claim victory in the case of the UnGoal conditions, having the UnGoal met is like having the “forces of evil” be the winner. So if a player meets the winning condition, they are actually tied with “the forces of evil” , thus play would continue until a clear winner emerges.
In a way, all that the Cultist/Secret Cultist/Zombie Boss does is make an actual player represent those forces of evil, thereby claiming that victory.
A: Whoever caused it to go away gets to choose which Goal stays in play, and which gets trashed. Same principle for Triple Agenda (in Holiday Fluxx).
A: Yes, but wholesale mixing of entire decks can raise some issues, for which we have some suggestions.
The main issue is the dilution of the Keeper to Goal balance. Although most of the Rules and Actions are quite flexible, the specific Goal set in any given version is designed to go with the Keeper set. So it’s harder to get Keeper sets that match the Goals which come up, since half the Goals only go with half the Keepers. Andy has noodled around to figure out what our recommendations might be to resolve this issue, and he came up with this MetaRule, which is available in our More Rules Expansion Pack.
(The card says: If the deck contains cards from multiple versions of Fluxx, a Goal from each version can be in play simultaneously. Goals only replace Goals from the same version. (Promo and expansion cards collectively count as their own version.) You win if you meet any Goal currently in play. Double Agenda creates one additional “slot” that can be filled with any type of Goal.)
Beyond that, keep in mind that, although we have deliberately designed all Fluxx versions to have the same back so you can mix and match cards, particularly promo cards, not all versions “play well together”. For example, in Martian Fluxx, most of the Creepers are Humans. What do you do when you mix a different deck where there are Keepers who are Humans? Are they Creepers now? You’ll have to decide how to handle that.
Also take a look at all of the specialized Rules and Actions to see if there are any which might interact in unplayable ways, and consider which Rules might replace each other as “contradictory.” See if there are Keepers which might “count as” Keepers in the other deck. Create whatever house rules you deem necessary, and, as you should always do with house rules, make sure everyone knows the tweaks before you begin playing.
A: Yes, Double and Triple Agenda are considered mutually exclusive, since they’re both determinants of the same parameter: the number of simultaneous Goals allowed. There’s only one deck that contains both* so we didn’t think to specify it, and left it with the “filler” small print about taking immediate effect.
Note that any Goals in effect with Double Agenda stay in play if it is replaced by Triple agenda. Triple Agenda simply “opens up an additional slot” for another Goal. Of course, when reducing from Triple Agenda to Double Agenda, the active player would choose which Goal will be tossed, leaving the others in play, just as when going from Double Agenda back to the regular single Goal in play.
* Holiday Fluxx, though this issue could also come up if you’re playing with the combined Star Trek TOS & TNG double-deck or some other combo of combined decks.
* There is another situation which could cause both to be in the same game, and that is when combining Across America Fluxx (which has Double Agenda) and Around the World Fluxx (which has Triple Agenda).
How do we decide which one to keep?
A: The situation is just like resolving the two Goals that result from Double Agenda: whoever got rid of the Rule allowing the double Goal/Ungoal situation gets to decide which to keep, and which to toss.
UNLESS Cosmic Agenda is also in play (which forces you to play UnGoals). In that case, you should be forced to keep the UnGoal in play, and trash the Goal, because this is analagous to having to play the UnGoal.
For example, if the Goals were He Bravely Ran Away (requires the 3-Headed Giant) and Rabbits of DOOM (requires the Killer Rabbit).
A: No, not if they are two different Creepers like this. The 3-Headed Giant you need to win with He Bravely Ran Away prevents you from winning with Rabbits of DOOM, while the Killer Rabbit you need for that prevents you from winning with He Bravely Ran Away.
Or can it replace the single Goal in play, leaving a spot empty?
See this answer in a video!
Little Answers
A: If there is an empty slot for a Goal because of Double Agenda, the next Goal played must fill that spot, and not replace the single Goal already in play.
This could happen with Double Agenda in effect. For example, in a 2-player game, if the goals are Star Gazing and Time is Money. Player A has The Eye and Time in play while Player B has The Cosmos and Money. Player A plays Exchange Keepers and exchanges The Eye for Money. Is the game over, with two winners, or must it continue until one and only one player has a winning condition?
This could also happen with 10 Cards In Hand
A: You would keep playing until only one player currently meets the win condition.