These questions are the FAQ’s that can only arise when different decks are interacting with each other or any of the expansions: Bridge, Archer, or Porthos.
If you are playing with combined decks, but the question involves a situation which could happen playing with only a single deck, then that question will be found in the lists for each separate Trek deck.
Back to Star Trek Fluxxen
Also be sure to check out All Fluxx FAQ for more general questions. If you don’t see your question answered among these, please email us at:
- Q: When a Keeper I have says I can steal a Keeper from someone else, does that stolen card go into my hand, or into play in front of me?
- Q: If it’s not my turn, and I acquire an attachable Keeper which brings me over the Keeper Limit, and I have an unattached Attaching Creeper, does it attach before I comply with the Limit?
- Q: The various Engineers in the Trek Fluxxen don’t specifically say they can detach Malfunction. Does that mean that the broken device must be tossed as well?
- Q: Can two copies of Malfunction be attached to the same Creeper? If yes, can the Engineer fix both at once, or will it take two turns?
- Q: Do Worf and Kor count as Klingons? And what about B’Ellana Torres?
- Q: Do Garak and Gul Dukat count as Cardassians?
- Q: When does the Holographic Projector turn off relative to a player Transferring Brains?
- Q: What is the penalty if you don’t say the line on the Holographic Doctor or Kor when you put them into play?
- Q: To get the benefit from On Main Viewscreen (in the Porthos Pack) must the Trek on TV be the Original Series, or can it be any version?
- Q: When combining Trek Fluxxen, how should we handle references to “Crew Members” vs. “Starfleet Officers” vs. “Visitors & Other Personnel”?
- Q: When mixing TNG and Voyager Fluxx, if one player has both Borg Creepers, could they attach themselves to the same Keeper?
- Q: For the Goal Captain of the Enterprise (Bridge Expansion) it simply says “the Captain.” Do Sisko or Janeway count even though neither of them commanded an Enterprise?
- Q: Even though Porthos isn’t a Starfleet Officer, shouldn’t Archer be able to call him to heel?”
- Q: If someone plays Beam Us Up, and the Transporter/Teleporter is in play, but it’s Malfunctioning, would that player still get all of the Crew/Beings in play?
- Q: What happens if Inflation comes up as one of the cards I draw and must play during Goal Bonanza?
- Q: If I draw a Creeper while executing a 5 Goal Mission, can I choose to play it last, so I can win with some other card first?
- Q: If I am executing a 5 Card Mission, and I have a card which would make me win, and another which would negate that, can I play the winning card, and stop there, or do I have to play all the cards?
- Q: If someone stopped my play with a Surprise, and then I used Mystery Play, and drew a Surprise, can I use that to counter their Surprise?
- Q: If I have a Goal which requires Creepers, and I’m playing with a deck that has duplicate Creepers do extras of one of the Creepers required prevent my win?
- Q: If it’s draw 1, play all but 1, I draw 2 cards if I have no cards. If I then play draw 4, do I draw 2 or 3 more? Is that extra card counted as a draw or ignored like the no hand bonus is?
- Q: If playing with combined Star Trek TOS & TNG decks, for the Goal Standard Gear, which calls for 2-out-of-3 items, can I win with two of the same item, from different eras?
- Q: If we are playing with mixed Trek Fluxxes, and more than one Transporter is in play, who gets what when Beam Us Up/Back! is played?
- Q: How can I easily separate two different Fluxx decks if I’ve mixed them?
- Q: When playing with combined decks, do things named the same count as each other?
- Q: When the Bridge Goals in the Expansion call for the Bridge and “one of” the other two applicable Keepers, is that either one or the other, or can it be both?
- Q: If playing with TOS and TNG Trek decks, and someone has both Ensign Smith AND Tasha Yar (both “Expendable Crewman” analogues) how do you decide which gets taken or killed?
- Q: When playing with combined Trek decks, if a Goal calls for “The Captain” is that only those characters currently Captains in their series??
- Q: Can Captains of different Trek series steal each other’s Crew Members, or only crew from their own ships?
- Q: When combining decks, how should I treat redundant New Rules?
- Q: What happens if I have zero cards in hand, with Draw 1, Play 1 in effect, and the 1 card I draw and play is Play All But 1?
- Q: Can the Teleporter teleport itself? What about the Transporter? Can one Transporter transport another Transporter?
- Q: When playing with DS9 Trek Fluxx mixed with any other Trek Fluxx, does Beam Us Up! do the same thing as Beam Us Back?
- Q: Meta Rules says they are played at the beginning of a game. Do you pull those out and deal separately?
- Q: Can we combine multiple decks of Fluxx?
- Q: If a Goal requires something + either of two Creepers. Can I win if I have both Creepers?
- Q: Do Double Agenda and Triple Agenda replace each other as rules?
- Q: If the Holographic Projector/Holodeck is used to imitate a Keeper with a Creeper attached, does the Hologram count as both the Keeper and the Creeper at the same time?
Q: When a Keeper I have says I can steal a Keeper from someone else, does that stolen card go into my hand, or into play in front of me?
A: Unless it is specified that an appropriated card goes into your hand, you should assume it goes in front of you, just as you should assume the only valid targets of theft are cards in play unless otherwise stated. In general, a card will maintain its in- or out-of-play status even if it changes ownership: if it starts in play in front of someone else, it it stays in play in front of you. Exceptions (like Zap a Card, or Use What You Take) state the origin and destination of the card.
Thus all stealing of Keepers, whether via an Action (like Steal a Keeper) or Free Action Rule (like Plunder), or Keeper Power (like various Captains in several versions) involves taking a Keeper from in front of someone else and putting it in front of you.
Q: If it’s not my turn, and I acquire an attachable Keeper which brings me over the Keeper Limit, and I have an unattached Attaching Creeper, does it attach before I comply with the Limit?
A: Yes, the unattached Creeper will instantly attach to its newly-found victim, and, after that happens, you discard a Keeper to bring you back down to the Limit. This means you can choose to discard the afflicted Keeper, thus ridding yourself of the Creeper. If, however, for some reason you wish to keep the Creeper, you can choose to discard a non-afflicted Keeper instead.
Q: The various Engineers in the Trek Fluxxen don’t specifically say they can detach Malfunction. Does that mean that the broken device must be tossed as well?
A: This was clearly an oversight on our part. We hope that everyone considers Starfleet Engineers competent enough that they don’t simply toss a broken piece of equipment or machinery, they fix it. Yes, Scotty, Geordi, Lt. Torres, and Chief O’Brien can all detach a Malfunction in order to discard it, rendering the afflicted item intact again.
One benefit of the unintentionally simplified language used (“If you have a Malfunction, you may discard it.”) is that the Malfunction doesn’t have to be attached in order to be discarded, so that’s a plus.
Q: Can two copies of Malfunction be attached to the same Creeper? If yes, can the Engineer fix both at once, or will it take two turns?
.. for example, the Enterprise could have a malfunctioning turbolift and a malfunctioning Hydroponics lab…
A: Yes, you could have a piece of equipment which has multiple Malfunctions, just as in the example you provided (nice!) And, since they would be different breakdowns, yes, as you have hypothesized, the Engineer could only fix one on your turn, and then you’d have to wait for your turn to come around again for them to fix the second one.
Q: Do Worf and Kor count as Klingons? And what about B’Ellana Torres?
A: Yes, Worf can count as Klingons for the purposes of Goals, though he should not be treated as a Creeper. The same goes for Kor from the Porthos Pack, and for B’Ellana Torres from Voyager (never mind that she’s only half-Klingon – Spock was only half-Vulcan, and he was constantly being treated as if he were all-Vulcan.)
Q: Do Garak and Gul Dukat count as Cardassians?
A: Yes, Garak and Dukat can count as Cardassians for the purposes of Goals, though they should not be treated as a Creepers.
Q: When does the Holographic Projector turn off relative to a player Transferring Brains?
…Consider this situation: Player A has the Scientist, and plays the Goal My Time Machine Works! (Scientist + Time Traveler). Player B has the Holographic Projector and the Time Traveler. The Holographic Projector can “be” the Scientist, but only during the active turn of its owner, and, since it is Player A’s turn, the Holographic Projector is not working for Player B.
Now, however, Player A plays Brain Transference, and switches positions with Player B. Brain Transference says that it causes your turn to “end immediately.” Does Player A win as soon as they switch positions, since they are the active player, and now have a working Holographic Projector + the Scientist? Or has their turn ended already due to executing the Brain Transference?…
(Note this type of situation can also occur playing with Star Trek TOS + TNG Fluxx, because of the Holodeck and Brain Transference, though, of course, this would not be the Goal in question.)
A: This was an extremely tricky situation, and Andy initially agreed with my (Alison’s) original take that the Brain Transference would be simultaneous with the Holographic Projector turning off, meaning Player A would not win.
However, after reconsidering exactly when Goal conditions should be checked regarding the interaction of these two cards, at the prompting of fan and BGA programmer Iwan Tomlow, Andy noted that Brain Transference explicitly states that “You take over that other player’s entire position in the game, as if you were in that position all along,” [emphasis added] which means that you should consider the win conditions of your new spot “as if you’d been there all along” before your turn ends immediately due to the Brain Transference.
So you “wake up from your brain transference surgery” look down at your Keepers, including the active Holographic Projector and exclaim, “Wow, how did I not notice I’m totally winning!?”
Also check out the Order of Events in a Fluxx Turn
Q: What is the penalty if you don’t say the line on the Holographic Doctor or Kor when you put them into play?
A: There is no penalty for failing to use the catchphrases, other than disappointing your friends and bringing dishonor upon your house. That said, if you really need to stay silent
Q: To get the benefit from On Main Viewscreen (in the Porthos Pack) must the Trek on TV be the Original Series, or can it be any version?
A: It can be ANY version of Star Trek on your screen – any version, any era, any movie. Andy says “Heck I’d even accept Galaxy Quest or The Orville.” Some might consider that last decision a stretch, so you might want to discuss it before the game begins, but even if you ended up having to bring it up mid-game, we’re guessing that few players are likely to veto a decision that benefits everyone.
Q: When combining Trek Fluxxen, how should we handle references to “Crew Members” vs. “Starfleet Officers” vs. “Visitors & Other Personnel”?
A: In matters such as Teleportation, Borg Assimilation, and Mirror Universe Duplication, they should be treated interchangeably. However, Visitors and Other Personnel are not subject to the whims of Captains, while Crew Members and Starfleet Officers are.
Q: When mixing TNG and Voyager Fluxx, if one player has both Borg Creepers, could they attach themselves to the same Keeper?
A: No. Although it’s normally totally possible to attach two Creepers to the same Keeper, in this case the redundant Borg will await the next available non-assimilated being to attach to.
Q: For the Goal Captain of the Enterprise (Bridge Expansion) it simply says “the Captain.” Do Sisko or Janeway count even though neither of them commanded an Enterprise?
A: It doesn’t matter. Since the Goal doesn’t specify which Captain, and the regular Captain is clearly absent, any available Captain will take temporary command of the ship and lead the crew to victory!
Q: Even though Porthos isn’t a Starfleet Officer, shouldn’t Archer be able to call him to heel?”
A: You would think so, yes, but unfortunately, much as Porthos might wish to obey his master’s command, the dog cannot free himself from the confines of the captain’s quarters.
Q: If someone plays Beam Us Up, and the Transporter/Teleporter is in play, but it’s Malfunctioning, would that player still get all of the Crew/Beings in play?
A: If your Transporter is Malfunctioning, no, it will not get you all the Crew in play. You will get the same effect from Beam Us Up as if you had no Transporter.
(Note that in Star Fluxx, it’s called a Teleporter, and the Keepers which are Beamed Up are Beings, not Crew, but this question could still arise if Beam Us Up is played with a Malfunctioning Teleporter)
Q: What happens if Inflation comes up as one of the cards I draw and must play during Goal Bonanza?
…For other Actions, like Draw 3, Play 2 of Them, Inflation affects the Action in progress. For Goal Bonanza, one can easily draw an extra card, but does Inflation retroactively affect how may Goals one needs to have discarded? What if I don’t have an extra Goal to discard?
A: While Inflation can certainly increase a Draw or Play requirement, it’s not possible to have it retroactively affect any discard requirement, since, as pointed out, there’s no guarantee a player will have an extra Goal (or whatever) to throw away. So, in this case, you would not be required to discard an extra Goal to get the extra draw and subsequent play.
Note that 5 Card Mission is the Meta Rule equivalent of the regular New Rule Goal Bonanza, and the Black Knight expansion for Monty Python also has a New Rule called It’s a Quest, which works in much the same way as Goal Bonanza (except it’s discard 3 Goals, and draw 4 cards to play).
Q: If I draw a Creeper while executing a 5 Goal Mission, can I choose to play it last, so I can win with some other card first?
A: No. Unfortunately, you can’t choose to play the Creepers last. As Creepers they are never really held in your hand (or temporary hand). You have to play them immediately, as usual, the only difference with 5 Card Mission is that, unlike in other similar situations, you don’t get to draw to replace them with non-Creepers.
Q: If I am executing a 5 Card Mission, and I have a card which would make me win, and another which would negate that, can I play the winning card, and stop there, or do I have to play all the cards?
A: As long as the negating card is not a Creeper (see this question) you can play the card which would make you win, and the game would end (assuming it’s not stopped by a Surprise, of course). You do not have to play all of the 5 Card Mission cards and THEN assess your win status.
Q: If someone stopped my play with a Surprise, and then I used Mystery Play, and drew a Surprise, can I use that to counter their Surprise?
A: No, the Surprise you draw via Mystery Play* cannot be used to stop the previous Canceling of your play. It’s far too late. Whatever card you played has been Canceled, and that’s that. With no Surprise available, you could not stop the Surprise, so you have moved on and taken your next game action: choosing to use Mystery Play.
Since choosing to use Mystery Play will always disrupt the immediacy required for a reactive Surprise play, any Surprise drawn via Mystery Play would have to be used for it’s in-turn function.
Note that you may be seeing this FAQ because your deck has a version of this card with a different name. There are so many analogues for Mystery Play that you should simply check the Fluxx Comparison Chart. Highlight the row for the Rule: Mystery Play, and scroll across to the deck you have to find the card this question refers to.
Q: If I have a Goal which requires Creepers, and I’m playing with a deck that has duplicate Creepers do extras of one of the Creepers required prevent my win?
…for example, for the Goal Enemy Alliance that requires Romulans and Klingons, if I have both the TNG and TOS versions of the Romulans Creeper, does the second Romulans count as an extra Creeper which prevents my win, as mentioned in this FAQ? Or is it just more of what I need to win?
A: Since the Goal specifically mentions Romulans without specifying one of the other, they’re effectively identical, and both count towards the Goal and not against it, and it doesn’t matter that you have a superfluous one. It’s more like what’s described in this FAQ.
Q: If it’s draw 1, play all but 1, I draw 2 cards if I have no cards. If I then play draw 4, do I draw 2 or 3 more? Is that extra card counted as a draw or ignored like the no hand bonus is?
A: This is VERY good question, which we are surprised hasn’t come up before! We had to sit down and really contemplate the situation to make a ruling on this.
To recap, the Play All But 1 (New Rule) says “If you started with no cards in your hand and only drew 1, draw an extra card.” And, as we all know, when you play a card that increases the Draw amount, you get to draw the difference to increase your total cards drawn to the current New Rule in play.
The way Andy framed the question is “Is the extra card one draws like a ‘salary advance’ on your regular draw allotment , or is it more like a ‘bonus’ on top of your regular draw?” After some thought we felt that what the Play All But 1 card is doing is more like a temporary modification of the Basic Draw rule, and, as such, would make the extra card part of your total Draw allowance for your turn.
So, in the example presented in the question above, where (after having started with no cards, and Drawing 2) you have played Draw 4, you would draw only 2 additional cards (and continue to Play until you have only 1 card left in your hand).
Q: If playing with combined Star Trek TOS & TNG decks, for the Goal Standard Gear, which calls for 2-out-of-3 items, can I win with two of the same item, from different eras?
A: No, though there are five potential Keepers which could help you achieve this Goal, it doesn’t become “any two out of five” it’s still “any two out of the three types, we just don’t care which era.”
You need two of those three types of equipment, regardless of when they were manufactured. If you want to think of it thematically: two of the same item are not going to be terribly useful when your goal is to be well equipped.
Q: If we are playing with mixed Trek Fluxxes, and more than one Transporter is in play, who gets what when Beam Us Up/Back! is played?
…and what about Attached Creepers?
A: First off, lets clarify that the people who can be Beamed Up (or Beamed Back) by any Transporter include all “Crew Members” (AKA “Starfleet Officers”) as well as the “Visitors and Other Personnel” called out by the DS9 version of this card.
OK, so we know that a standard transporter pad has six spots for people to stand on. (Never mind that some artwork seems to only show two spots, we know they can all handle six.) The person who plays Beam Us Up takes their choice of the first six eligible Keepers. Control then passes around to the next player in turn order who has a Transporter, that player beams up the next group of up to six. If any player has more than one Transporter in play, they get six per Transporter. This continues around the table, even possibly reaching the original player if there are enough eligible Keepers in play.
As for Creepers, any that are attached go with their crew members, and then are immediately replayed by the person who collected them, since Creepers cannot be in a player’s hand. See If someone plays Beam Us Up…
Q: How can I easily separate two different Fluxx decks if I’ve mixed them?
A: Each version of Fluxx has some distinguishing feature. It’s almost always the font at the top of the card, but on some very early decks, we did fun things with the color stripe. Here’s an example of two of the “same” card from Star Trek (TNG) and Star Trek (TOS) Fluxx versions:
Q: When playing with combined decks, do things named the same count as each other?
A: Yes. If it says you need a Phaser, the Enterprise, a Computer, a Malfunction, a Transporter, Romulans, or Worf, then any deck’s version of that card will do, regardless of the image.
Also note that Holodecks are interchangeable with the Holosuite; similarly, the Runabout counts as a Shuttlecraft and vice versa.
Q: When the Bridge Goals in the Expansion call for the Bridge and “one of” the other two applicable Keepers, is that either one or the other, or can it be both?
A: To refresh, Captain on the Bridge calls for the Bridge and “one of” Kirk/Picard, and The Bridge of the Enterprise calls for the Bridge and “one of” either version of the Enterprise.
We considered that it might make thematic sense for Captain on the Bridge to have a requirement for a maximum of one Captain, but The Bridge is standing for the bridge of any Enterprise, and, since the Captains are identical in wording, gameplay-wise, it makes more sense for it to be an and-or situation, where you can win with either one or both*, plus the Bridge.
We figured if both captains are on “the bridge,” it’s bound to be the bridge of one of them, and the other is just visiting. It doesn’t matter which one is which, you still definitely have the captain that goes with that bridge, since it’s not specified which bridge.
*If you are bold and lucky enough to combine yet more Star Trek versions using this expansion, any other Trek Captains (Sisko, Janeway, and of course, Archer) would also count as “a Captain.”
Q: If playing with TOS and TNG Trek decks, and someone has both Ensign Smith AND Tasha Yar (both “Expendable Crewman” analogues) how do you decide which gets taken or killed?
A: In thematic situational terms you’ve got two reckless crew members rushing forward, and one of them is going to “take the bullet” (or get kidnapped by accident, whatever). Which it will end up being, we really don’t know, but one of them will be… you should take the two “Expendable Crewpersons” (Tasha Yar and Ensign Smith) and mix them face down, and randomly pick which was the one stolen/trashed instead of the intended target.
Another edge case we’d like to preemptively rule on: in the case that one of them was themselves the intended target, the same thing applies: they both “rush forward” and you randomize which gets taken, or killed, or zapped, or whatever.
Q: When playing with combined Trek decks, if a Goal calls for “The Captain” is that only those characters currently Captains in their series??
A: If a card calls for any Captain, you need any one of the five Captains in their series: Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, or Archer. Yes, Spock, and others, became captains later, but in these games, they don’t have that rank yet.
Q: Can Captains of different Trek series steal each other’s Crew Members, or only crew from their own ships?
A: Any Captain can steal any Keeper with the Starfleet Officer/Crew Member icon, unless that Crew Member is already with their appropriately matched Captain. All Captains are commanding officers, so even though they are from different eras, if somehow they’re on the same mission (yeah, yeah, it’s time travel, or something), then any of them can order any crew member to join them – unless they’re trying to pull a Crew Member away from their “home Captain.”
And, of course, Captains cannot steal each other.
Regarding Worf’s situation: we see him in two different time periods in his life, and each version will stick with their current Captain. For those who are not familiar enough with the costumes from the two different series to tell them apart from their picture, they can also be distinguished by the title font, which will match between Keepers from the same deck. Also, Worf from TNG is a Lieutenant, while Worf from DS9 is a Commander.
The only Crew Member matching Captain Archer (in the Archer Expansion) is Dr. Phlox (in the Porthos Expansion), but he can still command others who are not already with the Captain they report to.
Q: When combining decks, how should I treat redundant New Rules?
A: When something which is obviously completely redundant comes up, for example, if Draw 2 is in play, and someone plays Draw 2 again, the old one is discarded, and the new one replaces it, and game conditions do not change. If Wormhole is in play, and someone plays Wormhole again, no, you don’t get a double-Wormhole, you just replace the old one with the new, and there is no functional change to the gameplay. When Double Agenda is replaced by Double Agenda, the same two Goals stay in play.
(You could just put the new one directly in the discard if you want, but don’t just stack them! Rules which have been superseded should always go in the discard pile so they can be referenced, reshuffled, etc.)
Functionally-redundant New Rule cards, which is to say, cards which have different names, but do the same (or almost the same) thing should be treated the same way. Examples would be Mystery Play, Eureka!, and Open the Door, which are all identical in function to Wormhole.
See our Fluxx Card Comparison chart to see which cards we consider functionally (or practically) redundant. Just click to highlight a whole row, and you can scroll to the right to see all of the cards that do that thing, even if they have different names.
A few non-obvious points would be:
Q: Do Double Agenda and Triple Agenda replace each other as rules? Yes. Double Agenda contradicts Triple Agenda and vice versa, since they’re both determinants of the same parameter: the number of simultaneous Goals allowed.
Bonuses generally stack, however, since they are almost always granted based on conditions which are completely independent from each other. For example the Rich and Poor Bonus do not replace each other, and neither contradicts Party Bonus. Furthermore, although we’ve put the Party Bonus and the Love Bonus on the same line in the comparison chart, we would not consider them to be mutually exclusive, since they grant their Bonuses based on the presence of completely different cards.
Of course, if someone played a duplicate Party Bonus (based on the presence of The Party specifically), it would simply replace the Party Bonus already in play, as described above.
Q: What happens if I have zero cards in hand, with Draw 1, Play 1 in effect, and the 1 card I draw and play is Play All But 1?
A: The card Play All But 1 says: Play all but 1 of your cards. If you started with no cards in your hand and only drew 1, draw an extra card.
So, the player in question, starting with zero cards, must play the card they draw. If that card turns out to be Play All But 1, then, as per the directions on that card, since they “started with no cards in [their] hand and only drew 1,” then they need to draw an extra card. Since the current Rule is Play All But 1, they are left with 1 card in their hand, and their turn is over.
*Note that in some earlier printings, the last instance of the number 1 is written out as “one,” but, to avoid conflicts with Inflation, it should actually be a numeral as written here.
Q: Can the Teleporter teleport itself? What about the Transporter? Can one Transporter transport another Transporter?
A: You cannot teleport the Teleport Chamber itself. We should probably word the card just a tad bit clearer to specify any other Keeper.
Note that the Transporter in Star Trek Fluxxen has a different function than the Teleporter in Star Fluxx, however. Rather than moving a Keeper from one player to another on the table, it takes any Keeper on the table up into the hand of the player who has the Transporter. Again, you can’t use the Transporter to transport itself up to your hand. We’re not sure why you’d want to, but we thought we’d answer that just in case.
Now, if you’re mixing more than one Star Trek deck, there will be many Transporters in the deck, and it’s quite possible that someone might want to use one Transporter to suck up another Transporter to their hand to take it away from someone else. Unfortunately, we’re going to have to rule that out on the basis that it would definitely cause some sort of terrible Transporter-related disaster, probably involving stray tachyons or chroniton particles.
Q: When playing with DS9 Trek Fluxx mixed with any other Trek Fluxx, does Beam Us Up! do the same thing as Beam Us Back?
…Beam Us Back! Specifically calls out Visitors and Other Personnel in addition to Starfleet Officers. Will Beam Us Up! from the other Trekk Fluxxen also affect all of those categories of people?
A: Yes, any Transporter can Beam Up all “Crew Members” (AKA “Starfleet Officers”) as well as the “Visitors and Other Personnel” called out by the DS9 version of this card.
Q: Meta Rules says they are played at the beginning of a game. Do you pull those out and deal separately?
A: You may notice that Meta-Rules have different backs from the rest of the cards. They are meant to not be shuffled into the deck at all, and the different back facilitates finding and pulling them if you accidentally shuffle them in. You just decide at the beginning of the game whether you want to play by those permanent rules or not. It’s like they are a house rule which all players decide on before starting.
This page has a short list and descriptions of all the MetaRules, with a little commentary.
Q: Can we combine multiple decks of Fluxx?
A: Yes, but wholesale mixing of entire decks can raise some issues, for which we have some suggestions.
The main issue is the dilution of the Keeper to Goal balance. Although most of the Rules and Actions are quite flexible, the specific Goal set in any given version is designed to go with the Keeper set. So it’s harder to get Keeper sets that match the Goals which come up, since half the Goals only go with half the Keepers. Andy has noodled around to figure out what our recommendations might be to resolve this issue, and he came up with this MetaRule, which is available in our More Rules Expansion Pack.
(The card says: If the deck contains cards from multiple versions of Fluxx, a Goal from each version can be in play simultaneously. Goals only replace Goals from the same version. (Promo and expansion cards collectively count as their own version.) You win if you meet any Goal currently in play. Double Agenda creates one additional “slot” that can be filled with any type of Goal.)
Beyond that, keep in mind that, although we have deliberately designed all Fluxx versions to have the same back so you can mix and match cards, particularly promo cards, not all versions “play well together”. For example, in Martian Fluxx, most of the Creepers are Humans. What do you do when you mix a different deck where there are Keepers who are Humans? Are they Creepers now? You’ll have to decide how to handle that.
Also take a look at all of the specialized Rules and Actions to see if there are any which might interact in unplayable ways, and consider which Rules might replace each other as “contradictory.” See if there are Keepers which might “count as” Keepers in the other deck. Create whatever house rules you deem necessary, and, as you should always do with house rules, make sure everyone knows the tweaks before you begin playing.
Q: If a Goal requires something + either of two Creepers. Can I win if I have both Creepers?
A: Our call would be that you could win if you have both, since both are mentioned on the same Goal, and the rule regarding winning with Creepers is that it’s possible if the Goal specifically requires that Creeper. Another way to think of it is that it’s not an “exclusive or” (XOR) it is an “inclusive or” (and/or). An exclusive or would mean one or the other, but not both, whereas an inclusive or means one or the other or both.
This is true for any Goal which requires any subset of a group of Creepers. If the Creeper is shown on the Goal, it will not prevent the win, but if the person in question has any Creepers NOT shown on the Goal they’re trying to win with, then those excess unrelated Creepers will prevent the win.
It would be difficult to find all of them to list them here, but we will tag various applicable Goals as they are brought to our attention.
Terrifying Inspiration (Cthulhu Fluxx)
Q Who (Star Trek TNG Fluxx)
Q: Do Double Agenda and Triple Agenda replace each other as rules?
A: Yes, Double and Triple Agenda are considered mutually exclusive, since they’re both determinants of the same parameter: the number of simultaneous Goals allowed. There’s only one deck that contains both* so we didn’t think to specify it, and left it with the “filler” small print about taking immediate effect.
Note that any Goals in effect with Double Agenda stay in play if it is replaced by Triple agenda. Triple Agenda simply “opens up an additional slot” for another Goal. Of course, when reducing from Triple Agenda to Double Agenda, the active player would choose which Goal will be tossed, leaving the others in play, just as when going from Double Agenda back to the regular single Goal in play.
* Holiday Fluxx, though this issue could also come up if you’re playing with the combined Star Trek TOS & TNG double-deck or some other combo of combined decks.
* There is another situation which could cause both to be in the same game, and that is when combining Across America Fluxx (which has Double Agenda) and Around the World Fluxx (which has Triple Agenda).
Q: If the Holographic Projector/Holodeck is used to imitate a Keeper with a Creeper attached, does the Hologram count as both the Keeper and the Creeper at the same time?
Say I have a Robot with Evil attached to it. If my girlfriend plays the Holographic Projection and then the Robot Uprising Goal, does she win?
A: Yes. Your girlfriend wins.
Think of an attached Creeper as being simply an aspect of its host Keeper, something that transforms the whole rather than just riding on top. The Holographic Projection copies the whole thing, and if that’s all you need for victory, you win. On the other hand, if you need just the Keeper, but it has a Creeper attached, then suddenly you also have the Creeper, which will probably prevent your win.
If all you needed was the Creeper from the Hologram, and you have the other half of the Goal yourself, you could also win. For example, if she had the Starship, and you had the Robot with Evil attached, she could Hologram the Evil Robot, and win with the Goal Imperial Destroyer (Evil and the Starship).
Note, however, that if you need the Keeper to win, but not the Creeper, if you Holographically imitate the Keeper, you’ll also “acquire” the Creeper, which will prevent your win if it’s not the exact Creeper needed for the Goal.
I must admit it seemed illogical to me (Alison), but Andy and I recently debated this again. The wording on the card says that if you have the Holographic Projection in front of you, it’s as though you have the imitated Keeper were in front of you AND NOT them (emphasis added). So you have it INSTEAD of them.
When I protested to Andy that you having a holographic projection of something that I have shouldn’t negate my having the actual thing, he argued that he’d prefer to stick with the original wording, as it is actually clearer in terms of gameplay (as opposed to calling it a tie, in which case you’d have to keep playing until a clear winner emerges, which, by the way, is the rule for any situation in Fluxx where there appear to be dual winners. Except for the APTWE. Of course).
Moreover, Andy had this logical workaround: the holographic projector is SO GOOD that if you have a holographic projection of something duplicating it, it’s as though you’ve swapped with the other person, and they suddenly realize they don’t have the original/s any more at all:
“OMG! How long has this doctor been a hologram???”