Q: What happens if I want to use Zap a Card on the Action attached to Let’s Keep Doing That?

…and what about Smite a Card from Olympus Fluxx?

A: You just Zap that Action into your hand, and you get to choose a different Action from the discard pile to attach to Let’s Keep Doing That (LKDT). “But!” I hear you cry, “What happens if there are no Actions in the discard pile?

For the corollary “What about Smite a Card?” things are potentially a bit different. If you Smite the Action, it goes into the discard pile, and you could choose to just re-attach it, but you’re probably going to pick something different… unless… it’s the only thing there, in which case you’re stuck with nothing at all happening as a result of your Smiting… so maybe Smite something else?

If you’re worried that might happen, remember, you can look through the discard pile at any time, so go right ahead and check before you Smite the Action attached to LKDT.