Q: If the Plush Player plays randomly, then when they play Draw 2 and Use ‘Em, shouldn’t the two cards be played in random order?

… or for Draw 3, Play 2 of Them, which are played, and which discarded? What about handing out cards distributed by a Plush Player with Everybody Gets 1?

A: The Plush Players card says, “…for all other decisions [besides which cards to play from their hand], Plushies will defer to their Primary Human Companion (PHC),” which means it’s expected that the PHC would make those decisions instead of having the plushie choose randomly.

However, this can be pretty squishy (no pun intended). Andy points out that some plushies prefer getting more help from their Humans than other plushies. The PHC may know that the plushie prefers to play out such cards themselves (i.e. randomly, at least from the point of view of the human players) while some other plushie may be happy to let their PHC help them with those difficult choices.