Q: Could you explain the Goal/Action Binary Number?

A: In Math Fluxx 1.0, Binary Number is a Goal, but in Math Fluxx 2.0, it was changed to an Action. In both cases, there is a positive outcome for meeting the criteria (Goal: you win, Action: you draw extra cards). Either way, the question is, what exactly does it take to meet the criteria?

For the Goal version, it is phrased:

“You win if you alone have:
1) at least four Keepers [in play, of course]
2) all of which are either Number One, Number Zero, or Number Ten [or Eleven, if you have the expansion]
3) and nothing else.”

When we say a player “has a binary number” we do not mean they “have at least one Keeper which is only zeros or ones.” We mean the single, multi-digit number which is formed by the melding of ALL of their Keepers, hence the restriction that ALL of one’s Keepers must be composed of ones or zeros or tens (or elevens, if you have the expansion pack).

Also, despite any perceived ambiguity in the wording, the sentence is NOT broken up thusly:
(Number One, Number Zero) or (Number Ten and nothing else). For starters, you don’t have “at least four Keepers” if you have “Number Ten and nothing else.”

The Action version is (we hope!) clearer. In this case, since it’s not a win condition, you don’t have to be the ONLY one to meet this; everyone who meets the criteria gets the bonus cards. Note that in this case you don’t have to have at least four Keepers. You could have just one, as long as it’s a number made up of only zeros and/or ones (so yes, Number Eleven also counts), and you don’t have any non zero/one Keepers.

“If the numbers on the Keepers you have in play are limited to zeros and ones (including the number ten) then you could say you have a binary number. All players with a binary number draw 3 extra cards!”