Q: in Math Fluxx, to win with Your Age, or Today’s Date/Day of the Month, do extra Keepers prevent you from meeting the Goal? It seems like that might be too easy sometimes!

“My daughter had the number she needed (8) but also a 6, and she commented to me that she’s not 68. I took a closer look at the wording and wasn’t sure if she had won or not. The same question would apply to the “Today’s Date” card. I realize that you can normally have more keepers than the ones required to win, but I’m wondering about these 2 goals. Perhaps I’m overthinking this.”

A: Your first instinct is correct. Like any other Fluxx, extra Keepers beyond what the Goal requires do not count against you. Your daughter is not required to take into account her Six Keeper when winning with her Eight. Andy says “Yes, kids 10 or under have a definite advantage on this Goal!”