
Q: If I use two different cards which get me an extra turn, do I get two extra turns? What if I use them again during my extra turns? Do I get even more extra turns?

A: This situation could arise in any deck (or combined decks) where you have two cards which can give extra turns. For example, in Doctor Who Fluxx you have the Surprise My Turn Next (MTN) and the TARDIS Keeper. In Star Trek: Voyager Fluxx, there are two Timeships each of which can give you an extra turn.

The wording on most of these cards reads “The maximum number of turns you can take in a row using this card is two.” Another way to say this is that, no matter how many times you play this card in a string of turns, you’re only going to get ONE EXTRA turn in a row before someone else gets to play.

So, if you manage to play two different “extra turn” cards on your turn, yes, you’re going to get to take two extra turns, for a total of three. If, on one of your extra turns, you then manage to re-play one or both of those cards, they’re not going to give you more extra turns.

If someone tries to argue that the extra turns gained from each card are not “in a row” from each other (“The first extra turn was from MTN, and the second one was from the TARDIS, and now the third one is from MTN, and the fourth one is from the TARDIS again…” we would respond that this is an overly narrow reading of the rule, and goes against the intention of the restriction.

We want to avoid the abuse of these cards where one player takes a ridiculous number of turns in a row. That’s just not fun for the other player/s, and we want everyone to have fun. Only ONE EXTRA turn per special card.

Q: When I have a card that requires I put it back “in the middle of the draw deck” can I put it exactly one card from the top?

A: The idea is to put it into the draw deck in such a way that you don’t know where it is, so that you wouldn’t know who might draw it. Exactly one card from the top would certainly not count. If the draw deck is very thin, you might need to deliberately shuffle or mix up the cards so that you don’t know where it ends up.

If you want to get technical, you could shuffle it in to the draw deck no matter what size. Yes, it absolutely MIGHT end up second from the top… but you wouldn’t know that’s where it is, and that’s the point.

Q: What happens if Engine Trouble card is played on a Time Machine which was pulled from the discard pile via a Rewind?

…Does the Time Machine go back into the discard pile?

A: To refresh, Engine Trouble states that it can cancel a Time Machine and send the relevant card back to the hand of the player using it.
When someone Rewinds a card, it is as though the card they pulled from the discard had been played from their hand, so, if Engine Trouble is played on a “rewound” Time Machine, it goes back into the player’s hand.

Q: When using the Really Fast Time Machine, do I get an extra card for a Patch play AND an Inverter play, or only for the Patch play?

The basic rules dictate that Patching gives an extra card, while playing an Inverter doesn’t. The Really Fast Time Machine (RFTM) lets me play an extra Patch or Inverter, and draw an extra card. So does this mean:

a) If one has the Really Fast Time Machine and uses it to play an Inverter card one can draw an extra card, and if one uses the Really Fast Time Machine to play a patch card, one can draw an extra card.
b) If one uses the Really Fast Time Machine card to play an Inverter card, one does not draw an extra card, but if one uses the Really Fast
Time Machine card to play a Patch card, one can draw an extra card.

A: Actually, neither of your scenarios is quite correct. Here’s what’s happening:

When you play a Patch, you get an extra card in your hand as a reward for fixing the timeline. Your hand should end up one card larger than it was before you started your turn. This should happen no matter what the circumstances that allowed you to play that patch, whether it was your regular turn, or a patch played using the Really Fast Time Machine (RFTM).

Now, the regular turn action is meant to be a zero-sum equation: you draw one card, and play one card, and your hand will end up the same size as before you drew (unless you patch, in which case it will increase by one). The RFTM lets you play an extra card out of your hand after that. Regardless of what card you played, that would decrease your hand size, and the intention is that it should stay the same, i.e. it should be a second zero-sum play. It’s a little like getting to take a second turn, except you play before you draw, and you are limited to only Inverters or Patches for your second “turn”.

So, if you use your RFTM to play an Inverter, you draw one to replace the Inverter in your hand, so that your hand size does not decrease because of the RFTM.

If you use your RFTM to play a Patch, you draw one to replace the extra card you played out of your hand, to restore it to the correct size, and THEN you draw a second card as your patch-reward card, for fixing the timeline. So your hand size should increase by one because of the repair, as intended.

Q: When using the Really Fast Time Machine, do both my plays have to be Inverter or Patch plays?

The Really Fast Time Machine (RFTM) states that you may play an extra Inverter or Patch, and draw to replace it, after your normal turn action. Is it necessary that your normal turn action involved playing an Inverter or Patch?

A: No. You can play anything you want for your turn. In fact, if you have more than one Time Machine in play, you might not even decide to use the RFTM until after you’ve played your regular turn, in fact – you might decide to use a different Time Machine’s power. Using the RFTM allows you a second play on your turn, and it’s THAT play which is limited to timeline changes (Inverter or Patch) with a draw to replace (so that your hand size does not diminish from the extra play).

Q: If someone Memos my Really Fast Time machine extra play, do I get to draw to replace it?

In this case it was a Patch, and obviously I would not get to draw an extra card as a reward for patching the timeline, and the card I’d attempted to play (whether a Patch or an Inverter) would be discarded, not put back in my hand, but we couldn’t agree on whether I could draw a card to replace this second play given by the Really Fast Time Machine. Since the attempt to play a card had been canceled, would the resulting draw to replace also be canceled? We didn’t think a Memo should decrease the size of the targeted player’s hand, but we weren’t sure.

A: Yes, you would still get to draw to replace your Memo’d Patch/Inverter. Usually, on your turn, you draw and then play, to keep your hand size unchanged. Normally, if someone had memo’d a Patch/Inverter played as part of a normal turn, the target player would have already drawn the card that keeps their hand the same size. It’s only because this is a special extra action that you end up drawing after you play, and it’s done to maintain the correct hand size.

With that in mind, it’s the playing of the Patch/Inverter which has been Memo’d, and not the corresponding draw, which is more a function of the Time Machine. As you point out, memos should not decrease the hand size of the target.