
Q: If someone has 9 cards in hand, & plays Mystery Play, does that draw then increase their hand to 10 cards to win with the 10 Cards in Hand Goal?

A: Short answer: No.

Since Mystery Play requires you to play the exact card you draw from the top of the deck, there’s really no reason it should actually enter your hand at all. Having it go in your hand, even momentarily, opens up the possibility of it getting mixed with other cards you might prefer to play. Therefore, it should not be considered to increase your hand temporarily mid-resolution like this.

It’s draw and play the card you drew. Execute that in full, and then check your hand-size. It is most likely to still be the same size, unless the Mystery Play card you got increases your hand size for some reason (Draw Rule increase, Jackpot Action, etc.)

Q: Do cards drawn as part of Draw 3, Play 2 of them count towards the Goal 10 Cards In Hand?

A: No. You have set your main hand aside, and cards drawn as part of Draw 3 Play 2 of Them (or Draw 2 and Use ‘Em) are not considered part of your actual hand. They exist in an alternate temporary mini-hand dimension.

The same is true of the cards drawn as part of utilizing Goal Bonanza. Those cards which you draw and must immediately use are not considered part of your “main hand.”

Q: What if two people simultaneously meet the win condition/s?

This could happen with Double Agenda in effect. For example, in a 2-player game, if the goals are Star Gazing and Time is Money. Player A has The Eye and Time in play while Player B has The Cosmos and Money. Player A plays Exchange Keepers and exchanges The Eye for Money. Is the game over, with two winners, or must it continue until one and only one player has a winning condition?

This could also happen with 10 Cards In Hand

A: You would keep playing until only one player currently meets the win condition.

Q: Is it possible to win with 5 Keepers if there is a Keeper Limit in place? (Or 10 Cards in Hand with a Hand Limit?)

A: Yes. Because the Keeper and Hand Limits only apply to you when it’s NOT your turn, they are suspended (for you) DURING your turn. You can draw cards way up above the hand limit, and play Keepers to the table beyond the keeper limit, possibly meeting those Goals during your turn. Of course, if you don’t meet the Goal and win, you’ll have to discard down at the end of your turn.

Q: How does 10 Cards in Hand work in conjunction with Trade or Rotate Hands?

If you and an opponent each have 11 cards in your hand, and you play Trade Hands, would you win because after the card’s effect occurred you had 11 while the opponent had 10, or would the opponent win as soon as the card was played and left your hand?

A: This is a tricky question. At first it seems like you should need to finish the step you were in the middle of (i.e. follow through with the hand swap), before considering the issue of someone meeting the Goal. After due consideration, Andy concluded that we must obey the underlying principle of everything happening instantly in Fluxx. So, while the trade does happen simultaneously, the card must first leave your hand (be played) in order for the trade to happen, therefore, you lose the game the moment the 11th card leaves your hand.