A: To recap, the Action Curiouser and Curiouser reads: “Turn cards on the draw pile over, one by one, until you gain a Keeper or a Creeper. Discard any New Rules or Goals that come up, and carry out any Actions or Surprises that come up.”
Note that you stop when you gain a Keeper or a Creeper, which can only go in front of you, which would tend to indicate that you do the same thing with both, or we’d tell you what to do differently with them. Also the instructions say to carry out Actions and Surprises. These are things that you’d do if you were playing those cards. Essentially this card is saying: discard Rules and Goals, play everything else (Actions and Surprises (in-turn use)) until you play a Keeper or Creeper (i.e. put it in front of you), and you’re done.
Adding things to one’s hand is much rarer, and we would generally specify it.