Q: If a player is the victim of a Luggage Mishap, do they get to take advantage of the No-Hand Bonus, if in play?

A: Well, you know, when you’ve lost your luggage, you inevitably end up having to pick up a few new items, like some new underwear or clothes, or sometimes the airline or hotel will provide them, like simple toiletries. So, logically, temporarily having no luggage (hand) you should be able to take the No-Hand Bonus for that turn to get a few extra cards to tide you over until the return of the rest of your hand.

We also note that this ruling is consistent with the Luggage Mishap card’s wording: “Until returned, their luggage is immune to any cards which would affect it. After their next turn ends, they will return their luggage cards to their hand, and observe any Hand Limits.” In other words, while their “luggage” is missing, it is unaffected by changes in Hand Limit, because it’s… just gone. Not there. Having no Hand to Limit, logically, the player should get to take the No-Hand Bonus.