Q: Can the Surprise Stop That! (aka Belay That!) prevent someone from using the Action card that is currently part of the Let’s Keep Doing That Rule?

A: When the Action is chosen to go with Let’s Keep Doing That, it becomes what is essentially a Rule-that-gives-a Free Action, so the counter-Action Surprise* can not be used to stop it.

It CAN, however, be stopped by the Surprise called No Free Lunch! (found in the More Surprises pack) which counters the use of any Free Action. Depending on what the Action is, if it allows the moving or stealing of  Keepers, some other Surprises may also be viable, like Skullduggery, It’s a Trap!, or You Can’t Take This Guy From Me.

* Stop That, Avast! Halt!, Belay That!, The Stars Are Wrong.