Q: Jumanji Fluxx can be a REALLY short game with two players. Are there rules tweaks that can help with this?

A: Why yes there are! We have heard your feedback, and worked out some suggested guidelines for two players:
Here’s a link to a gif you can print out to add in to your game box.

It reads:

Two-Player Dangers: If there are only 2 players in the game, Dangers work a little differently. Until the “No More Extra Lives” card appears, you do not win by eliminating the other player. Instead, they may jump right back in as soon as they’ve discarded their hand and Keepers.

Playing Without Dangers:
Some players (new players in particular) may prefer playing without the Dangers. In this case, simply set aside all of the Danger cards, the “No More Lives” Meta Rule, and the Action called “The Sound of Drums.”

Dangers Aren’t Like Creepers: If you are familiar with Creepers (a type of card which appears in certain other versions of Fluxx), you might think Dangers must be played as soon as you draw them. This is not the case.