Q: Are Dangers played like Creepers, or held in your hand until you want to play them, like Actions or Surprises, or left of the table like Rules?

A: They have no wording on them that indicates mandatory play, like Creepers. You hold them in your hand like any other card, until you want to play them. Unlike Surprises, they have no wording on them about being allowed to play them at any time, including out-of-turn. They are not left on the table like Rules, though I have to say, we really dropped the ball on the description of how to play these. Obviously we’ll be updating the rules to be clearer on the next printing.

So… they most closely resemble Actions in the way they’re played: you just play them, the effect happens, if applicable, and then they go in the discard pile. In fact, you could think of them as a special class of Actions which have the potential to “endanger” another player by knocking them out of the game.