Q: Are extra blanks available for Choose One?

A: No, while we did include a few blanks in the game we have not make any loose blank cards for Choose One for further purchase.

That said, card anonymity is really only strictly needed for the voting cards. If you wanted to make a bunch more choice cards, you could take almost any type of card and modify the face. You just have to make it clear which is the blue-purple choice, and which is the white choice. Of course, it would be hard to mix these into the rest of the deck, but if you were playing a very informal game, one might simply grab options out of a loose pile.

Speaking of card anonymity, and extra cards… If you wanted to add more players to the game, you wouldn’t need extra blue-purple and white voting cards either. You just need a set of two identical-backed cards per player. Those cards don’t need to match those of the other players, they just have to be indistinguishable from each other. So, again, you could use a pair of index cards, or any other type of playing cards, then make one for each color on the face. Then find some random extra small item to use as a token.