Other Pyramid Games FAQ

This page lists questions about specific Looney Pyramid games we’ve published that we only have one or two questions for. Once we get more than that, we’ll probably split them off into their own category. If you don’t see your question answered among these, please email us at: FAQ@looneylabs.com

Q: Where can I buy a tin for my Homeworlds sticker?

A: The original tins that Andy used when he created the Homeworlds sticker are no longer available, but as of Oct 2023, here are the results of our search for new tins. Note that many of these listings may not be valid after a while. Feel free to let us know if you find that some result is no longer there, or you find some good option we should add. These are almost all US-based listings, but one company is in Canada (at the bottom).

Searching for 8oz flat tins gets you approximately the right size. Note that some specify steel, which is stronger than other options. Smaller quantities are listed lower.

Available as single units.
$1.06 apiece
material: steel

Scroll all the way to the bottom, to below the table of contents. Available as single units.
$1.71 apiece
specific metal not mentioned

Available as single units. Canada
specific metal not mentioned

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Q: Hijinks (aka “Pink Hijinks”): Can one only move one space at a time? Can one hop over pieces?

A: Yes, you can only move one space at a time. Since you might be carrying pieces on top of the one you’re moving, you might be moving more than one piece at a time, but the movement itself is just one space.

So if there is a piece in the space you wish to move into, but it’s not the same size or larger, then you just can’t move into that space. You can’t jump over it.

Also remember all movement is orthogonal, which is to say, no diagonal movement.

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Q: IceDice: The rules say there are times I can choose whether to steal or take from the Bank. Does this mean I could steal any time?

Can you clarify again the rules for stealing. I see that if the piece is not in the bank, you MUST steal from opponent’s vault. But what if the piece is in the opponent’s vault AND in the bank?

A: No, you can’t just steal any time. The rules say “If your roll gives you options, it’s ok to make a choice that will require stealing even if the bank contains the other pyramids you can choose.”

This means if you roll one of the size-option faces of the pyramid die, and you could choose, say, a medium blue OR a small blue, and there’s a medium blue in the bank, but not a small blue, you can choose the small blue, necessitating a steal. If what you really want is a medium blue, however, THAT is available in the bank, and you don’t get to steal it, you have to get it from the bank.

The same would apply if you rolled the Atom to make the color wild. As long as you have not already rolled the color you want to choose, you could choose a color of which that size is not in the bank… but is in your opponent’s Vault, again, necessitating a steal. For example, if you rolled Atom, medium, and there were no medium blue in the Bank, but there were in your opponent’s Vault, you could choose to make the Atom blue, necessitating the steal of their medium blue… as long as you have not already rolled blue for that turn.

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Q: Launchpad 23: Can you move any piece out of a stack, or does it have to be on top?

A: You can move any piece out of a stack. It does not have to be the top piece.

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Q: Petal Battle: What happens when a small tries to squish a small?

A: A small squishes a small to a “zero” i.e. non-existent, and moves in.

See the note in the rules about what happens if a medium is squished when no smalls are available: the medium is destroyed, and the squisher moves in. Imagine there simply isn’t a “zero pip” piece in the bank for the small to shrink to (because there’s not!) and you get the same result: the squished small is destroyed and the squisher moves in.

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Q: Treehouse: Can a small Dig under a large, creating a stack where the pyramids don’t touch?

When doing a swap it shows that this final position with a “gap” is illegal.

A: It’s not that that position is illegal in any way, it’s just that from the Swap example shown, a Swap does not result in that configuration. It’s perfectly allowable to have the small under the large creating a non-touching stack in this manner. It could also happen if the large Hops on top of the small.

The Swap example is meant to show that from that particular starting position (small on medium on large) moving the small to the bottom so that the arrangement is medium on large on small (with the medium on top) does not constitute a swap. It’s not that the “gap” is illegal, it’s just that, with three pyramids in this position, a swap does not result in the medium on large on small arrangement.

Think of it this way – if you have three pyramids stacked, and you swap two of them, the one you’re not swapping is going to stay in the same place, so if you swap the small for the large, the medium will stay in the middle, and the resulting stack will be large on medium on small (no “gap” in this case). This is what that example was meant to illustrate.

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Q: Zark City: Are pyramids that are removed from the board by the action Convert/Demolish permanently out of the game?

…If so, would one be able to eliminate opponents from the game?

A: No. Pyramids that are removed from the board for whatever reason go back into that player’s stash to be used again. Players can never be eliminated from the game. Hence the “Hatch” rule which brings players back if they have no pyramids in play.

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Q: In Closest Ghost, can Ghosts move diagonally, and can they make “wrap-around” moves?

A: No. Yes.

No: Although they do not have to follow the directional arrows that players must adhere to, Ghosts still have to move orthogonally. It just means they are allowed to move against the direction of the arrows.

Yes: Although you don’t count wrap-around connections when determining which Ghost is closest to you, the Ghosts are allowed to make “wrap-around” moves.

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Q: Which cards do I pull out of my Aquarius 3.0 deck to play the fan-designed pyramid game Aquarius Rising?

A: To get the 40 cards you need to play Aquarius Rising, remove:
• all diagonal cards
• all 3-panel cards
• all Wild cards
• all the Goal cards
• one of each full panel card

This will leave you with the following, which is what you’ll need to play:
• 10 full panel cards (2 of each element)
• 10 vertical 2-panel cards
• 10 horizontal 2-panel cards
• 10 4-panel cards
(plus all Action cards – 18 if using later decks, even if AQ 1.0 had only 15, it’s fine.)

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