Q: I can’t seem to find the Pyramid Arcade games in the UK/EU and ordering direct is so expensive. Does anyone here carry them?

A: We have one distributor in the UK, and many distributors in Europe who carry our pyramid games. That said, it’s not clear how many retailers choose to stock our pyramid games. You should be able to request that your local game store stock or special order any of the pyramid games from one of those distributors.

Here is a list of our international distributors, which you can refer your local store to so they can order the pyramid games:

Here are some pertinent SKUs:

LOO-074   Pyramid Arcade
LOO-108   Nomids
LOO-109   Ice Duo
LOO-110   Martian Chess
LOO-111   Homeworlds
LOO-133   Jinxx
LOO-053   Pink Hijinks